If you are looking to reduce stress in your office or organization while motivating your workers, one of the most effective tools you can use is a Motivational Comedian. A motivational comedian’s professional comedic style together with key motivational messages boost staff morale and help build a highly cohesive team.

Motivational Comedians help organizations and businesses laugh and learn at the same time. Motivational comedians available at have their own unique experiences to share and they come from diverse backgrounds. These comedians don’t just know how to motivate, but also impart messages and knowledge that will teach the audience how to motivate themselves.

At MCP Talent Agency, the motivational comedians listed will make your audience laugh by providing clean humour while motivating the audience, lowering stress, boosting morale, sharing relevant experiences and anecdotes, and getting the audience to laugh, all in a customized performance. The motivational comedians listed on our roster are some of the most talented and experienced comedians, speakers, entertainers and emcees, who can bring your event to life. Our motivational comedians address a wide range of topics and are among the leading motivational comedians working in Canada.