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Joey Elias

Joey Is A Very Popular And Hilarious Comedian And Has Appeared In No Less Than 12 Just For Laughs Festivals.

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Experience of Joey Elias

Joey Elias has an enormous amount of comedy experience having performed in at least 16 Just for Laughs Festivals, including four televised Gala performances. That’s not bad for someone who got into stand-up comedy after losing a pool hall bet.

That was 1992. Since then, Joey has performed for the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Haiti, and CFB Alert at the North Pole. He’s had a Canadian National TV special Comedy Now! He was also chosen by two of the three comedy lovers from the Montreal Gazette as the act they would like to see again after his last Just for Laughs Comedy Festival performance.

Joey has moved into acting including having roles in The Art of War, The Wool Cap and The Day After Tomorrow.

Performance Style of of Joey Elias

His show points out life’s absurdities with a calmness that helps people relax for a laugh. Topics range from body piercing to Oprah. He is a big man, with big shoes, big talent, and a big stage delivery.

Why hire Joey Elias?

He travels globally performing for private corporate functions. Joey’s show works well for both private and corporate events, cruises, festivals, sporting events, casino events, fundraisers, conventions, and trade shows.

How to book of Joey Elias

You can request information on our entertainment options through our on-line request form. Or, you can call us Toll Free at 1.800.693.6665

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