Self-care for Health Care: a Virtual Presentation
I start with a message of appreciation to the devoted and courageous healthcare and other front line workers who daily put themselves in harm’s way and risk their lives, often without adequate resources and protection, because they care. After the pandemic passes, we will owe them as much gratitude as veterans who risked their lives on the front lines of wars past.
As a way of expressing that gratitude, I am offering a complimentary virtual presentation to remind and support these courageous professionals to find a way to take care of themselves.
- Step away from all the pressures and gain a renewed perspective on self-care.
- Learn three things you can do every day to stay grounded.
- Find some control over all the things that are out of your control.
- Leave with a toolbox and simple techniques you can immediately apply to maintain your own well-being; take care of yourself so you can better take care of others.
- Discover renewed resilience in the chaos.
- Leave with strategies for staying authentic when the world is pulling you apart.
How to Sustain Your Mental Health in the Chaos: a Virtual Presentation
Today we see a vitally important emphasis placed on our physical health and the health of our health care system. But what happens to our mental health? What impact does isolation, social distancing, job loss and reassignment, a virtual world, and a lack of ability to travel have on the well-being of people? Every so often a mental health check is important. How are you doing -really? How is the morale and well-being of your staff and those you are responsible for?
This thought-provoking session will provide practical insights and strategies for improving the mental health and well-being of yourself and those you lead.
You will:
- Leave with a tool to assess your well-being and mental health.
- Discover indicators for concern when it comes to mental health.
- Learn ways to foster resiliency in this time of unprecedented crisis.
- Discover how to sustain your morale and well-being while working under stressful conditions.
- Learn tools for getting yourself through an unprecedented crisis and the accompanying chaos of change.
- Leave with practical methods for engaging yourself and your team
Note: This presentation, while focused on personal strategies, can be adapted to apply to positional leaders for building a sustained culture with a team.
How to Lead in a Disruptive World: a Virtual Presentation
In the face of the unprecedented disruption that now surrounds every one of us, we have the opportunity to be reflective, conscious, and proactive. And since going completely digital will be our new normal for some time, we need to reset and adjust. But how do we do that? Where are our tools?
This thought-provoking, inspiring online session will give you practical insights and strategies to create clarity, trust, engagement, and accountability under these new circumstances – and in a completely digital environment. You will:
- Discover how to inspire confidence during this disruption.
- Learn how to use chaos and uncertainty to connect and build trust.
- Discover the four cornerstones to leading in times of massive disruption.
- Gain a new perspective on leadership that can be applied to doing business remotely.
- Discover how to sustain human connection in a time of social distancing.
- Learn how to foster and maintain accountability in the face of unprecedented changes.
- Discover the true source of leadership power – your authentic self – and how to use this time of disruption to strengthen that power.
- Leave with strategies to stay strong mentally so you can be there for those who depend on you.
The Power of Alignment
If you are committed to attract and retain the best talent, provide the best possible service to customers, get a grip on results that matter, remain profitable, and reach your fullest potential as an organization, then culture will be your most critical competitive advantage. This is because organizational culture trumps everything else in business.
Discover the power of alignment and why building a high performance culture is the key to success.
Execute a practical, meaningful process for getting your organization’s value statements off the wall and into people’s hearts and actions.
Leave with a practical method for building a cohesive, engaged, high performance organization – that engenders trust, loyalty, safety, and ownership.
Note: This process can be adapted to any culture, whether an entire organization, a division, a team, or even a family. If you are a CEO, senior executive, director, middle manager, supervisor, team lead, or parent, you will find value in the process for building an aligned, engaged, healthy culture within your sphere of influence.
It’s About PRESENCE, Not Position
Great leadership cannot be reduced to technique, position or power. Great leadership comes from the strength of one’s authentic presence – the identity and integrity of the leader.
While you might get promoted to be a boss, you don’t get promoted to be a leader. Leadership isn’t something that you get from your title. Leadership – your capacity to inspire and influence others – is something you earn by the decisions you make and the actions you take. Leadership is about building trust, inspiring the people around you with a compelling vision, engaging yourself and others, and achieving results through those you serve. Leadership is about accomplishing this with presence, not position.
Step back and gain a new perspective on leadership from one of Canada’s most respected voices on leadership and organizational culture. Based on David Irvine’s best-selling book, The Authentic Leader, you will be inspired by a new view of who you are as a leader and a fresh vision of leadership in today’s changing, demanding world.
Learn the difference between a transactional boss and a transformational leader, and the true source of leadership power: your authentic, accountable presence.
Discover how a strong leadership presence can inspire trust, engender loyalty, engage people, dispel entitlement, and get a grip on results.
Be inspired to be a leader, with or without a title.
The Power Of Trust
When morals are sufficient, laws are unnecessary; when morals are insufficient, laws are unenforceable.
-Emile Durkheim
Policy manuals and laminated ethic statements on the wall don’t build trust – actions do. Those who stand solidly on their principles, place a higher value on conduct than platitudes, and choose service over self-interest are the real leaders in organizations today. They have strong character, and to lead with character you don’t need a title. You simply need a decision – to do what’s right for the right reason.
Take this opportunity to step back and gain a new perspective on ethical leadership from one of Canada’s most respected voices on leadership and organizational culture. You will leave with a new view of what it means to be ethical and how, regardless of your title, you can lead and inspire others by being a person of strong character.
In this inspiring, thought-provoking, and engaging session, David will offer a fresh and powerful view of leadership and ethical behavior that builds trust, makes integrity real, and inspires greatness around you. You don’t get promoted to leadership. Leadership comes from the identity and integrity of the leader. It’s about presence, not position.
- Discover the true test of whether your actions are ethical – and what it means to be a person of integrity.
- Learn how to make the shift from compliance to commitment around your policies and ethical standards.
- Learn how entitlement, insecurity, and fear erode ethics, and what you can do about it.
- Lead with greater impact and trust through the power of strong character.
Getting A Grip On Sustainable Results
Get to the deep meaning and application of accountability – so it isn’t just a hammer to blame or punish people, or just another organizational buzzword.
Leave this session with a renewed and positive perspective on accountability, tools to build an ownership attitude in your organization, and a practical process for holding people accountable.
Build a proven and practical approach to accountability that will build trust, respect, and integrity while banishing blame and fear, transforming entitlement into ownership.
Close the gap between intention and success and get a grip on sustainable results.
Leave with a simple and practical process that will inspire your high performers, deal effectively and respectfully with your “non-performers,” and renew your organization.
Leave with a new outlook on the responsibility and opportunity of every employee to build an engaged, energized, and renewed culture.
The Power Of Agreement
With everyone talking about the need for more accountability in the work place, why is it that accountability is so likely to turn people off? Why is it that unearned entitlement remains so prevalent, both in the workplace and in society? You have to get to the deep meaning and application of accountability. If you don’t, it becomes a hammer to blame and punish people, or at best, just another organizational buzzword.
David Irvine’s proven and practical philosophy and approach to accountability helps leaders build trust, respect, and integrity. It reveals how to banish blame and fear, transform entitlement into ownership, close the gap between intention and success, and get a grip on results.
Leave this session with a renewed and positive perspective on accountability. Based on David’s inspiring best-selling book, Bridges of Trust, this session will illustrate how accountability is not a “program” to be “installed” throughout an organization or a “flavour of the month” management fad. Accountability is an inspiring leadership philosophy that lies at the foundation of both labour and life.
Accountability promises five vital results: 1) Clarity – about your role, direction, and promises; 2) Communication – at a new depth, with the right focus; 3) Alignment – of values, purpose, passion, and agreements; 4) Energy – to build sustained engagement and commitment; and 5) Trust – the one thing that changes everything.Inspire people around you by being accountable.
Inspire people around you by being accountable.
Inspire your employees to think like owners and foster an accountable attitude at every level of your organization.
Transform blame, entitlement, and fear into courage, personal responsibility, and commitment – through the power of agreement.
The Power Of Possibility
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer, philosopher
To survive – and thrive – you have to adapt and embrace change. When you have made a decision to be a leader, you become an agent of change. But where is your road map? Where are your tools? There are eight stages of change. The first is chaos; the eighth is possibility. Once you lead yourself and others to embrace possibility, transforming chaos into confidence, resistance into wisdom, and fear into possibility, you have done your job. Once you’ve mastered the art of embracing change, you will not only build a strong, vital organization, you will build a strong, vital life.
Leave this session with a new view of embracing and leading change from one of Canada’s most respected voices on leadership and organizational culture. You will leave this inspiring session with renewed clarity, confidence, and compassion to lead those you serve through the stages of change.
Make change inspiring, productive, and creative – through the power of possibility.
Turn fear and resistance into confidence and commitment – through the power of connection.
Recognize and lead people through the stages of change in a way that supports both people and change.
The Power Of Interpersonal Excellence
Building and restoring trust is mission-critical in organizations today. At the core of effective and productive organizations and teams lies an abundance of mutual trust and respect based upon authentic and accountable connections. Regardless of what you do in your organization and your life, to be successful you must be able to connect with people in a way that builds trust.
With a background in family therapy, David Irvine offers an in-depth approach to interpersonal relationships that you won’t find in mainstream leadership training programs. Leave this engaging, and practical session with the interpersonal skills necessary to build bridges of trust with those who depend on you, and those upon whom you depend.
Understand how the actions of every employee either builds or destroys the culture where you work.
Inspire deep trust in your organization through the power of interpersonal excellence.
Embrace conflict in a way that builds trust, respect, and focus.
THE OTHER EVEREST RETREAT – A 3 Day Retreat/ Open Workshop
Navigating the Pathway to Authentic Leadership
Additional topics also well-liked by David’s clients:
Too often we discover at the end of a day that if we aren’t careful, our lives are reduced to looking down at our devices and accomplishing whatever’s on our to-do lists. In the process, we lose our connection with the deeper human need to be present to what surrounds us. Caring connects us with each other, making us the best of who we are and what we can be. Caring is a decision to engage with the world around us.
Caring enriches all facets of our lives. It makes workplaces worth working in, schools worth learning in, our relationships worth being in, and the world worth living in. Caring is everything.
This session, applicable to leaders at any level and in all walks of life, gets to the heart of creating a workplace and a life that matters. Based on David’s book, Caring Is Everything, you will leave with an inspiring and thought-provoking message about the vital role that caring serves in every aspect of our lives.
Learn how caring impacts everything you do: it fosters trust, engages employees, builds loyalty, creates meaning in our lives, and leads to business success.
Understand the true meaning of service leadership and how to build a more fully human organization.
Leave with practical strategies to amplify your impact on everyone you serve – through a stronger authentic and caring presence.
Remember that self-care is an ethical responsibility. In order to take good care of others you must take good care of yourself.
Secrets to Navigate the Journey to Authentic Leadership (Presentation or
Workshop adapted from David’s 3 Day Retreat)
In today’s fast-paced, rapidly evolving business and professional environment, a high value is placed on looking outward and upward, continuously striving for the next summit, the next Everest. As successful people, we tend to look upward to the achievements we hope to realize.
But success isn’t just about height. It’s also about depth.
The journey down…the journey within…the journey to The Other Everest… is equally valid.
True – authentic – leadership is fueled by a voyage that takes us inward toward the hardest realities of our lives. The best leadership comes from people who have penetrated their inner darkness, men and women who can lead the rest of us to a place of authenticity away from what the world sees, who have been there and know the way, and in so doing, know the why.
Connect into your vision, purpose and your deepest core values to unlock your true leadership potential and amplify your impact and influence in all areas of your life.
Create a space to reflect, think strategically, and get a new perspective on ways to influence others – while bringing renewed value to those you lead.
Take the time to reset your internal compass – Discover the path to an undivided life – a life with greater balance, inner peace, and well-being in the midst of relentless demands.