Tom Flick
Former NFL Quarterback, Authority On Leadership, Leading Change And Accelerating Performance.
As a former NFL Quarterback, Tom Flick understands the demands of performing under pressure to win. That is why Tom’s messages aim for the heart—to create deep-felt determination to move, make things happen, and win now. Tom helps organizations develop their most valuable asset, which is their people.
For the past 25 years, Tom has worked with the world’s most innovative and dynamic leaders and organizations, helping them move faster—with more focus—to succeed in a rapidly changing and highly competitive world.
Tom Flick is a former Rose Bowl Champion, Team Captain, Most-Inspirational, Pac-10 Conference “Player of the Year,” and NFL quarterback for seven seasons.
Tom’s remarkable ability to communicate real business solutions with humor, wit and razor-sharp insight has made him one of the most sought-after authorities on leadership today.
Keynote presentations connect the head and the heart, allowing people to lead the way and accelerate performance at every level of the enterprise.
Leading Change – Empowering Successful Transformation
The ability to change quickly and efficiently is not a core competency of most organizations. For nearly all organizations, change is difficult, painful and costly. In a world of ever increasing rates of change and where entire economies can shift almost overnight, the ability to change quickly and well can mean the difference between an organization thriving or dying. When a major change arises, getting it right the first time becomes imperative.
Leading Change sets the stage for creating a core competency in change leadership. Organizations that lead change effectively can take advantage of significant opportunities, avoid looming hazards, and thereby create enormous value for their stakeholders. Studies show overwhelmingly that organizations and their leaders that are adept at change grow faster, create more wealth, enhance customer success, gain public support, and compete more effectively. It is, in fact, the largest differentiating factors in the top performing organizations in the world.
Leading Change sets the stage for organizations to take the next step forward by clarifying the value of Harvard Professor, Dr. John Kotter’s 8-step process, by equipping leaders with the proper understanding of how successful change is created. While it may be true that most people don’t like change, leaders who understand the dynamics of change can slice through resistance and outperform the competition.
- Accelerate!
- The 8-Step Process for Leading Change
- How to Get Buy-In
- Change Leadership
- Urgency
- Leadership vs. Management
- The Head and Heart
The Heart of Leadership – Leading People to Excellence
Create decisive advantage for your organization. The Heart of Leadership demonstrates how capturing both minds and hearts will be crucial. Organizations that do will rise to the top, consistently out performing their competition. Tom demonstrates with stunning clarity how Leaders who positively engage not just the minds, but also the hearts of their people consistently achieve stronger mission awareness, higher productivity and better schedule performance.
The Heart of Leadership presents the core drivers for creating great leaders throughout the organization. From corporate titans to emerging start-ups, the skill and capacity to capture and engage the hearts of people will be the decisive factor in their success. No longer can one charismatic individual lead the vision alone. The catalyst for sustained high-level performance is leadership, from top-to-bottom, which empowers every individual.
Everyone leads… executives, managers, sales, marketing, and front-line employees. The Heart of Leadership mobilizes and inspires people to become superior leaders to achieve amazing results. Empower more leaders, better leaders, at all levels of your organization. Transforming organizations into great enterprises is a process driven by the heart, the true source of all inspired performance.
True Urgency – A Highly Focused Force
Create action that is exceptionally alert, externally orientated and relentlessly aimed at winning. In a fast-moving and changing world, contentment with the status quo can create disaster. Success, or perceived success, produces an inwardly focused organization which reinforces the status quo. A false sense of urgency in an organization has a great deal of action, but it’s driven by anxiety and fear and not a determination to win, and win as soon as possible. Both challenges prevent organizations from exploiting crucial opportunities and accelerating their strategic plan.
In a world that will not stand still, the all-too-common problem of complacency and false urgency can be solved by producing the very positive and highly focused force of true urgency. True urgency is driven by the belief the world contains great opportunities and great hazards. With true urgency people respond with action now, not later, ignited by a deeply-felt determination to make something happen. Now means making progress every single day. Now means tackling challenges that are essential to success or survival, winning or losing.
True urgency creates fast-moving actions in people that are focused on important issues, pushing to achieve ambitious goals despite obstacles, working to achieve progress every single day. True Urgency will produce results in your people that you very much want and the world very much needs. True Urgency opens the door for people to feel true empowerment, true job satisfaction, and bring their “A” game for the ultimate success and profitability of their organization.
Leading Legacy Teams – Achieving Top Team Performance
Increase success – individually and as part of a team. Leading Legacy Teams creates the winning environment. Have your group perform beyond your best expectations. With broad corporate and NFL team development experience, Tom provides real answers bringing individuals together to become powerful synergistic teams.
Dominant business players succeed through their strong teams. Leading Legacy Teams shows how winning teams, much more than a collection of names on an org chart, are created when a group comes together to form an identifiable community. Bound by a common vision, trust and the heartfelt sense of being part of something greater; these teams and their individual team members make quantum-level performance improvements, propelling their organizations forward.
Leading Legacy Teams moves both individuals and groups to achieve new levels of performance and productivity. Successful teams create a self-sustaining energy which lifts the performance of all team members and attracts others to join. A strong team possesses a powerful magnetism. Leading Legacy Teams reveals just what it takes to engage and align the talent of your people to give your team that self-sustaining power.
“Marriott’s ROI on Tom Flick has been outstanding! After your presentation to our team, Marriott’s Maui Ocean Club had the biggest week and biggest sales period in our company’s 21 year history.”
“As a member of the audience, I was completely drawn in by your style as well as the strength of your message. I enthusiastically recommend you to anyone seeking to make a powerful and positive impact on their people and culture.”
Starbucks Coffee Company
“What a great presentation! Tom’s penetrating, insightful and uplifting message captured the heart of everyone on our worldwide sales team!”
“The feedback has been 100% positive — More importantly, it is referred to regularly 2 months after our meeting.”
“You grabbed our attention in the first minute and never let go. Your ability to tailor your message to our insurance and financial services audience was exceptional. You challenged and inspired us to rethink the way we perform at work and at home.”
Safeco Insurance
“You were instrumental, not only with your focused, inspirational and, yes, entertaining presentations; but equally so in helping us prepare our own key messaging. The feedback we have received from our 100+ leaders has been overwhelmingly positive and I am indebted to you.”
Trammell Crow Company
“Mr. Flick’s ability to engage his audience with time-honored principles, fresh insight and passion is outstanding!”
Honeywell, Inc.
Centex Homes
Lucent Technologies
Merrill Lynch
National Football League
Shea Homes
Shell Oil