Virtual Presentations

Has the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused you to re-think your meeting?  Whatever you do Don’t cancel that meeting, we have speakers and experts with engaging virtual presentations.  As the pandemic continues to spread, there is even more need to find solutions to meet your day to day challenges by hiring the best keynote speakers and business speakers.

Most Popular Types Of Presentations

  1. Live Virtual Presentations
  2. Webinars
  3. Remote Panel Discussions
  4. Remote Workshops

The most noticeable benefit of hosting virtual presentations and events are lower costs.

Most Requested Speakers With Virtual Presentations

All of our speakers are able to deliver live virtual presentations, we have highlighted the following popular keynote speakers and motivational speakers:

virtual speakers jeremiah brown

Jeremiah Brown

Starting Over with Jeremiah Brown

In the span of a couple months, we’ve been forced into unfamiliar territory, and many of us are groping in the dark for the way forward. If you look closely enough there’s a small gift, too. It’s the opportunity to reassess our approach. To reflect on what has been, and truly reset our minds and commitment to new ways, to different ways, of moving forward.

Jeremiah Brown has spent most of his adult life starting over from scratch every four years. From commercial banker, to Olympic medalist, to Canadian sport leader, to author and speaker. And, most recently, from speaking at 40+ events per year to having his calendar cleared overnight from COVID-19. Jeremiah now has an opportunity to put his money where his mouth is. To adapt.


Tina Varughese

Virtual Leadership: When Communication, Collaboration and Compassion Intersect

With the sudden onset of Covid-19, organizations were forced to pivot, adapt and plunge into uncharted waters while facing overwhelming uncertainty. Despite title, rank or position we are all leaders at work and at home and have the capability to impact, influence and inspire others through intentional actions.

Virtual leadership begins with effective communication, collaboration, empathy and understanding. With employees becoming increasingly demotivated and disengaged coupled with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and addiction on the rise be-cause of the pandemic situation, it is imperative to lead with compassion, transparency, integrity and most of all resiliency as we stand together apart.


virtual speakers dr mark devolder

Dr. Mark DeVolder

Do you have enough resilience to survive and thrive? Unstoppable Resilience: Developing the Mindset of a Champion

We live in a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. It’s not surprising that leaders who survive, thrive and deliver in business today have one trait in common; they are resilient. But resilience is not just for a few; it can be learned. Dr. Mark DeVolder shares how to rewire your brain to bounce back from adversity, overcome obstacles and adapt to constant change.

Audiences will learn success strategies to create a winning mindset, increase tenacity and decision-making instinct.  During Mark’s presentation, you will learn how to; create a winning mindset of self-belief and unlimited potential increase innovation and engagement through constructive nonconformity expand tenacity and decision-making instinct repeat and sustain the cycle of success, again and again


Melissa Agnes

Melissa Agnes

Crisis Readying your Organization for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact

Being crisis ready means that your organization is able to manage any negative situation in a way that fosters increased trust and credibility in your brand—making it INVINCIBLE.  As the coronavirus continues to escalate, it is presenting potential impacts to every organization that continue to widen in breadth and scope.

Meanwhile, there are many important aspects of crisis readiness with regards to this growing epidemic that are consistently being overlooked—an observation that comes from on-the-ground experience working with a vast range of organizations.  Melissa travels the world speaking with organizations and associations helping them build brand invincibility.


virtual speakers clint pulver

Clint Pulver

The Virtual Experience – Cutting Edge Technology to Inspire Your Team

Offering a variety of options to maximize your next virtual meeting, Clint Pulver and his team can partner with you to bring a unique and engaging experience for your remote meetings or conferences. In this educational and entertaining virtual experience, Clint can provide your team his keynote presentations, workshops, coaching, and tailored content through any virtual platform.

Clint’s virtual sessions offer an immersive, engaging and entertaining experience – something that makes you feel as if you’re sitting in the 1st row at a live event.  More than ever before, organizations are yearning for ways to keep their people connected and engaged, even when a live event is not possible. With cutting edge technology and a fully soundproofed studio, you can inspire your entire team anywhere in the world.


David Irvine

David Irvine

How to Lead in a Disruptive World: an Online Presentation

In this online session David Irvine will give you practical insights and strategies to create clarity, trust, engagement, and accountability under these new circumstances – and in a virtual environment.  In the face of the unprecedented disruption that now surrounds every one of us, we have the opportunity to be reflective, conscious, and proactive.

And since going completely digital will be our new normal for some time, we need to reset and adjust. But how do we do that? Where are our tools?  This thought-provoking, inspiring online session will give you practical insights and strategies to create clarity, trust, engagement, and accountability under these new circumstances – and in a completely digital environment.


virtual speakers-ty-bennett

Ty Bennett

How are you investing in your people right now?

With Covid-19 completely disrupting the way we connect in business, how are you investing in your people right now? Do your people feel heard when they are working remotely?  Ty’s virtual sessions are customized to your specific challenges and your corporate culture. His follow-up video series are packaged to help your leaders focus on a deeper dive into the tools that inspire commitment.

In this time when business has slowed down – Ty Bennett will show your leaders new ways for connecting and building relationships with a remote workforce – developing your staff’s Leadership and Storytelling abilities – enhancing their knowledge of serving your clients – these are an investment in your people.


Michelle Ray

Michelle Ray

Unprecedented Times Call For Exceptional Leadership… Now More than Ever.

As I work with leaders from organizations in the corporate world, small businesses, associations and all levels of government, what I consistently see is a collective desire to respond to on-going change and disruption with less struggle and anxiety.  The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated their concerns as they scramble to adapt to the unexpected and unfamiliar new realities that have been thrust upon them.

Specifically: How to keep themselves and their teams feeling positive about the future, how to take the lead when there is so much uncertainty and how to effectively manage and keep their teams engaged remotely.  What most people don’t know is that they already possess an innate capacity to rise to the current challenges, or any future challenge.


virtual speakers mike walsh

Mike Walsh 

Virtual COVID-19 TOPIC: The Future-Proof OrganizationMike Walsh

COVID-19 is not only changing our way of life, it will hasten the arrival of a radical new future of work. While for many of us working from home has been a new and unexpected challenge – that is just the start of a much bigger transformation set to reshape the nature of business itself. In order to survive, every organization will have to virtualize.

Becoming future-proof is more than just about getting through the current crisis – it is about being ready for the new world that awaits us on the other side.  Whether it be serving customers through digital channels or leveraging AI, algorithms and automation to ensure business continuity – we are likely to experience in the next twelve months, a decade’s worth of change.


virtual speaker Vinh Giang

Vinh Giang

Virtual Keynote & Masterclass Experiences

COVID19 has forced us into a world where virtual communication has completely taken over. And most of our workforce and team members are now finding themselves working from home.  Vinh Giang has completely redesigned and reimagined what a Virtual experience can be.  Instead of your team connecting with their peers in person, most are now connecting virtually all the time.

Vinh Giang’s session gives your team a special skill set to enhance their virtual communication for even greater collaboration.  Whether you are looking for – An Inspirational Virtual Keynote Experience – or- A Virtual Masterclass Experience Teaching World -Class Communication Skills – Vinh has you covered. Vinh will inspire, uplift and engage your team while they learn important communication skills for this new digital work environment.


virtual speakers vince poscente

Vince Poscente

The World Has Changed, Our Mission Has Not. Let’s Do What the Competition is Not Willing to Do – Overcome Obstacles & Maintain Resilience

Vince Poscente is one of the most in-demand motivational keynote speakers today. Vince’s client list includes world class organizations dedicated to being bigger and better. When employees and entrepreneurs handle set-backs, supersede obstacles and are more focused – record setting results happen faster than expected.

Vince knows first-hand how innovation, persistence fearlessness play in your future success. He speaks from experience. His foundation are with proven tools.  Vince speaks about overcoming personal and business setbacks and challenges.  It’s not about being without fear, it’s about being fearless and realizing this fear has significance.


virtual speakers ryan walter

Ryan Walter

Ryan’s Virtual Presentations Are Adding Huge Value to Leaders During This Hard Game!

Ryan Walter brings a message of positivity and a mental reset for all members during this difficult time.  If your groups need an attitude adjustment, Ryan is the speaker for you!”  With an emphasis on performance, leadership, team synergy and personal empowerment, Ryan offers practical applications that are easily understood and implemented.

His style leads from humorous dressing room banter to direct challenge to profound connection as Ryan charts a winning course for high performance, leadership and team achievement.  During these difficult, challenging, changing times how has your concentration been? Have you found it hard to focus? Have you performed at your highest level? Getting mentally hijacked through uncertain times feels like the new normal now, doesn’t it?


virtual speakers dan thurmon

Dan Thurmon

Leading Others Through Change

COVID19 has forced many organizations to face massive change – to be off balance. Energy has suffered, productivity has decreased and team members have felt stuck. During this live, virtual presentation, Dan Thurmon provides a shift in thinking plus strategies to transform the current disruption into your biggest opportunity for growth – to put you back on purpose.

He will also teach a very different and effective model for integrating your work and your life so that you can be more fulfilled personally while you succeed professionally.



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